"I decided to buy myself an underwater camera. I went into the water with my body, replacing the darkroom and the bathroom I used when I was a child, with the sea. I needed a physical check, in first-person, so I also tried to convince the people who were part of my life to appreciate this work I was doing. I asked them if they would dive under the water with me. I also asked them if they would put on clothes that I had chosen for them: white shirts, long dresses, red, brown, green, yellow, jackets, trousers, shoes, and then, in the water, like a shark, I circled around them, but instead of biting them, I took pictures of them, like I did with my sister, when I chased her. My camera was a weapon - a hyper spatial laser rifle. In this case the camera had become my teeth. I spent several years engaged in this work. "
taken from" Il Doganiere "by Nicola Rotiroti publishing house Maicol Rice household 2019 p>